Saturday, March 21, 2015

DAY 2 of Ho-Hum Madness

Well today was pretty much a ho hum Madness day. As goes with most Madness first rounds, one upset day will have the other day be pretty chalk. That is the favorites will mostly win. And such the case was today. So Madness logic dictates to see more upsets tomorrow to open the 2nd round!

For today’s games, Bill Self and Tom Izzo showed why they’re the 2 best coaches in college! The Wichita State vs. KU game in the 2nd round will be a barn burner, but I like KU’s chances purely based on the Bill Self vs. Gregg Marshall coaching match up! Self always grins his way to a Sweet-16 birth!

Speaking of Gregg Marshall. There are minor rumors of Rick Barnes’ job being in danger at Texas and with their loss today perhaps even Tom Crean at Indiana possibly being on the outs. If these 2 jobs open then there will a huge domino effect of coaching changes to fill these huge huge coaching spots and then the big upgrades of other coaches filling the jobs that moved on to take the Texas/Indiana coaching positions. Gregg Marshall would be a top candidate for any of the Indiana/Texas job!

Yet another job that should open up is UNC’s job. This is an almost tiresome take from The Commish, but when Roy Williams admits that he was outcoached and genuinely feels “lucky” that UNC got the win vs. Harvard is another sign that he has to go!!! Shaka, you hearing this!?!?!?

UC-Irvine had a tight game vs. Louisville and damn that 7-6 center for UC Irvine can play! That is, he can walk and chew gum at the same time! Quite impressive.

And Providence! They get the Kent State Award this year for the team that DID NOT show up for the Big Dance! Dayton didn’t show up either, but Providence sucked more in this homer game fro Dayton.

Most of the games tpday were pretty Madness neutral so lets look at the Pool:

Looking at the results and Insanity Pool Standings, there have been only 5 lower seeds upset outta the 32 first round games, and that is including all 8 seeds beating the 9 seed (that seems unprecedented)

Congrats to Cav Whitely holding down first place with 29 games correct outta the 32 first round games. But Cavanagh, one of your incorrect games was picking Georgia over Michigan State!?!?!? Over the Izzo? Coach Izzo? Caffie Caffie Caffie!

And Mr. Andrew Wilkinson, I see your low amount of entries into the Insanity Pool over the years have not been privy to the Commish’s cooler/costanza picking abilities. However, in response to your first day results vs. mine:

It wasn’t my fault that SMU choked away a 7-point lead with 1:25 in the game to lose to UCLA! It wasn’t my fault that there was a Dez Bryant-like call on the SMU goaltending call that definitely turned the tide of the game!

It wasn’t my fault that Cincinnati’s desperation tying hoop went in to force OT!

It wasn’t my fault that #10 from Stephen Freaking Austin didn’t want anything to do offensively other than swing a pass on a reversal and absolutely nothing else vs. Utah!

It wasn’t my fault that VCU had 2 crucial turnovers late in the game as well as missing a wide open trey to tie the game in OT! It’s also not my fault that Shaka Smart is still the Head Coach of VCU instead of accepting the job at North Carolina! Please Shaka, see the Carolina Blue light!

It wasn’t my fault that Harvard’s buzzer beating attempt didn’t go in to put Roy Williams outta his misery and get some pundits to call for his job!

It wasn’t my fault that the refs in the Eastern Washington/Georgetown game wanted to dictate how the middle 20 minutes went drastically towards Georgetown’s way. It wasn’t my fault nor the ref’s fault that the NCAA leading scorer is drastically outta shape and needs to hit a treadmill!

It’s not my fault that the Commish’s results in the Insanity Pool is worse than Andrew Wilkinson.

Its just Madness!

Yours in madness,
Commish A-dish

PS: Get a life Camille? If anyone needs to get a life it’s the well shaved and manicured eyebrows of D’Angelo Harrison from St. Johns! He freaking looks like he seared his face at a Buffalo Wild Wings chicken wang deep fryer! Get a life D’Angelo indeed!

PPS: Fire Roy!

PPPS: Pittsnaaaaw-gle!!!!!!

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